If competition was seriously tough before COVID-19 stopped all work during lockdown for small building contractors and home improvements contractors, it will be even tougher to start up again without viable leads.

At the time of writing, the country has been downgraded to a level 4 lockdown, however, the building industry is still at a standstill, but, this is not going to last forever. In the long run, this means that as a small building contractor, you’re going to need a plan in place that’ll help you get started again, on the right foot.

To do this in a time when you aren’t able to get out and about to gather your own leads, what Quickleads offers is a real boon. 

There will always be work in the home improvements sector, despite the bleak economic outlook in South Africa, making it well worth investing in hot-off-the-press sales leads for small building contractors from Quickleads.

With a solid, long-term customer base, Quickleads has taken the market by storm to the tune of having already generated over 200 000 sales leads for tradesmen, and the team behind the scenes is set to assist small business owners to get back on their feet post COVID 19.

The origins of Quickleads

The team that works hard behind the scenes on behalf of small to medium tradesmen took an in-depth look at the immense amounts of cash were being spent on bespoke online marketing campaigns, which took a major cut out of profits for many a tradesman, and decided to do something about it.

What was then birthed was a concept that has revolutionised marketing for small to medium businesses, one that offered fresh sales leads at a fraction of the cost of hoping for leads from expensive, bespoke online marketing campaigns that seldom amount to much in the short term.

How do they do it?

Well, that’s easy. This is a team of experts who eat online marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for breakfast, lunch and supper, which means that all this experience and knowledge that has been accumulated over the years is now at your disposal, all in order to minimise online marketing costs and maximise sales leads for small building contractors.

Online quote requests become your leads

Quickleads owns and manages websites that have been designed in such a way that traffic is driven to these sites that are aimed at almost thirty different trades. It is on these ‘quote requests’ websites that consumers in the market for your services request their quotes or submit enquiries.

What happens then?

When these requests for quotes intended for your trade are received by the Quickleads team, they do a high speed sort to make sure you don’t receive duds, and, within seconds, the live, real-time lead will arrive via email and SMS, no matter where you are, 24/7.

How to get started right now

Firstly, mosey on over to the Quickleads website to take a gander at all that these lead packages are able to do to get you back on your feet again, it’s well worth the visit! 

If you take a look at the live leads that are currently coming through on the website, you’ll see that even as we speak, people are getting ready to get to business!

From there, all you need do is register your account, request an invoice for the lead package you decide is best for you, and Bob’s your uncle!

Take control of your business today in preparation for tomorrow by contacting the friendly team at Quickleads, they’ll be happy to show you the simplicity of this trusted sales lead generation system for home improvements contractors in South Africa!